0x80094801 2146875391 denied by policy module 0x80094801 the request does not contain a certificate template extension or the certificate template request attribute.
The request contains no certificate template information exchange.
When signing a csr which was generated from thirdpartycertificatetool the windows certificate request processor returns the following error.
The request contains no certificate template information.
Active directory certificate services denied request 420 because the request contains no certificate template information.
Webserver webservercertreq txt where webservercertreq txt is the name of the request file from your exchange certificate.
On the this wizard will create a new certificate or a certificate request file page verify that create a request for a certificate from a certification authority is selected and then click next.
The request contains no certificate information.
If the request does not contain information certificate template information extension oid 1 3 6 1 4 1 311 21 7 about what certificate template the requestor wants to enroll the certificate with you receive the following error.
The request contains no certificate template information.
0x80094801 2146875391 denied by policy module 0x80094801 the request doesnot contain a certificate template extension or the certificate template request attribute.
0x80094801 2146875391 the trick is to use the certreq command line tool instead.
The request contains no certificate template information.
0x80094801 the request contains no certificate template information.
The request contains no certificate template information.
Use the following command to import your certificate request file.
0x80094801 2146875391 denied by poicy module 0x80094801 the request does not contain a certificate template extension or the certificatetemplate request attribute i am requesting the certificate from our phone system which is based on a linux web server.
0x80094801 2146875391 certsrv e no cert type request disposition message denied by policy module 0x80094801 the request does not contain a certificate template extension or the certificatetemplate request attribute.
Certreq submit attrib certificatetemplate.
Enterprise cas issue certificates exclusively on the bases of certificate templates.
Here is a example of the syntax.
Denied by policy module 0x80094801 the request does not contain a certificate template extension or the certificatetemplate request attribute.
To create a new self signed certificate see create a new exchange server self signed certificate.
The solution is to import the certificate request in command line with certreq tool.